MAAT Central, formerly known as Central Tejo, a former factory built in 1908 to provide electricity to the entire Lisbon region, now presents a new exhibition space called “History of Energy.” This dynamic and interactive space invites visitor to explore the history of energy, from ancient times to our collective future, highlighting the challenges of the energy transition and sustainability.
The EDP Foundation entrusted EDIGMA with the implementation of the museum space. Here, through immersive and playful experiences, it is possible to absorb scientific knowledge, such as generators, motors, magnetic fields, or renewable energies.
Along a timeline, visitors are led from the development of steam engines to the contemporary challenges of decarbonization and the role of renewable energies. This journey begins 100,000 years BC with the mastery and use of fire and extends to the year 2050, which is the target set by the Paris Agreement. This narrative is conveyed through a variety of content, such as audiovisual resources, interactive quizzes, interesting trivia, and practical experiences. In the next phase of the visit, we can find a clear message of combating climate change and the need to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies.
In response to this message, the next moment of the visit depicts the center of the energy revolution on the question “how can we change our energy consumption habits and eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels?”. In this area, it is possible to ride an electric bicycle, explore electric charging systems, learn about the Enfield 8000, the first electric car to arrive in Portugal in 1975, and even interact with a console that measures our daily carbon footprint.
In the final stage, the world of the future that is being built today is revealed. A more renewable, efficient, and sustainable world. New green fuels, fully electric railways, smart grids, electric autonomous driving, buildings with efficient energy management.
Tourism & Culture
EDP Foundation
Francisco Nogueira
/Cortesia MAAT
Tourism & Culture
EDP Foundation
Francisco Nogueira
/Cortesia MAAT
MAAT Central, formerly known as Central Tejo, a former factory built in 1908 to provide electricity to the entire Lisbon region, now presents a new exhibition space called “History of Energy.” This dynamic and interactive space invites visitor to explore the history of energy, from ancient times to our collective future, highlighting the challenges of the energy transition and sustainability.
The EDP Foundation entrusted EDIGMA with the implementation of the museum space. Here, through immersive and playful experiences, it is possible to absorb scientific knowledge, such as generators, motors, magnetic fields, or renewable energies.
Along a timeline, visitors are led from the development of steam engines to the contemporary challenges of decarbonization and the role of renewable energies. This journey begins 100,000 years BC with the mastery and use of fire and extends to the year 2050, which is the target set by the Paris Agreement. This narrative is conveyed through a variety of content, such as audiovisual resources, interactive quizzes, interesting trivia, and practical experiences. In the next phase of the visit, we can find a clear message of combating climate change and the need to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies.
In response to this message, the next moment of the visit depicts the center of the energy revolution on the question “how can we change our energy consumption habits and eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels?”. In this area, it is possible to ride an electric bicycle, explore electric charging systems, learn about the Enfield 8000, the first electric car to arrive in Portugal in 1975, and even interact with a console that measures our daily carbon footprint.
In the final stage, the world of the future that is being built today is revealed. A more renewable, efficient, and sustainable world. New green fuels, fully electric railways, smart grids, electric autonomous driving, buildings with efficient energy management.