Quality Policy

Customer Focus

In order to ensure a high degree of customer satisfaction and loyalty, EDIGMA is committed to developing innovative solutions, providing them with competitive advantages and quality guarantees, offering differentiated services that meet their needs and expectations.


EDIGMA is committed to effectively communicating aspects related to its activities to its employees, suppliers, customers, and other relevant parties for its activity.


To ensure the quality, efficiency, and robustness of its solutions, EDIGMA invests in the careful selection and evaluation of its suppliers, in order to work together to find the best solutions to satisfy Customers, seeking together to improve the services provided.

Compliance with Applicable Requirements

EDIGMA is constantly vigilant about the requirements applicable to its processes and services, committing to ensuring their full compliance.

Continuous Improvement

EDIGMA is committed to continuously improving the effectiveness of its Management System, rigorously complying with applicable legal, regulatory, and normative requirements, anticipating and overcoming all failures and errors, towards excellence and increasing the quality of service.